This site is a public digital resource for That Summer in Paris: Memories of Tangled Friendships with Ernest Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald, a memoir of life in Paris in the 1920s by the Canadian writer Morley Callaghan.

It was created by final-year students at the University of Strathclyde as part of their Introduction to Digital Humanities class. You can find out more about digital humanities, Callaghan’s text, and the contents of this site by clicking the About this site link in the menu bar at the top right of this page. You can also access a digital version of Callaghan's text here.

To navigate, click the links in the menu bar along the top of the page (People, Networks, Places, Keywords, Contributors and About this site) and then select from the links along the right hand side of the page (names of individuals, places, keywords etc).

We hope you will enjoy learning more about That Summer in Paris, and will find the materials and analysis gathered here to be useful. Feedback is very welcome: please send it to Anouk Lang, the course director (contact details here).