HomePlaces4 Rue Delambre

4 Rue Delambre

Edward Titus's apartment is situated on 4 Rue Delambre. We are told in the text that Titus is a very wealthy man and from the location of his apartment, right on the Boulevard du Montparnasse, that is evident.

The other balloon which we can see on the map marks the Café Select which is one of the more well-known cafés in Paris. It appears to be a place of great social significance as Callaghan talks about going there throughout the text and it seems to be a meeting place for all writers alike. However, after a night where McAlmon’s drunken behaviour forces the owner of the café to tell them they are no longer welcome there, Callaghan and Loretto’s dismay is apparent.Callaghan states:  ‘We went to a new little cafe between the Rotonde and the Select. Each night we followed this procedure. From his chair at the Select, Titus could see us sitting at the new place. We hated this little cafe. No one we knew sat there.’ (Callaghan 1963). Titus’s affluence is further reinforced in this section of the text as he manages to resolve the differences between Madame Select and the couple.

A point I made in the people section regarding the possibility of a sentiment of anti-semitism in the Left Bank is further reinforced, simply by the location of Titus’s apartment. The fact that he is located right next to one of the most popular cafés in Paris, which he appears to frequent given his influence over the owner, as well as his involvement with literature, owning a bookshop and a printing press, makes it seem odd that he had never met Joyce, Pound, Wyndham Lewis, Hemingway, Fitzgerald or McAlmon.
